Listen to the stories whispered by the flora and fauna. Guided tour, Workshop, Performance,...

Sat, Sep 4, 2021, 3 – 8 PM

Listen to the stories whispered by the flora and fauna. Guided tour, Workshop, Performance,... with . September 4, 2021

The whole program is free!

What is our relationship with the earth today? Whether in art through the exhibition (re) or among city dwellers through the practice of urban gardening, there is a common desire to find a new connection with the earth. Through a guided tour of the exhibition focusing on the relationship between art and activism, activation of the instruction of the artist Valérie Favre (present for the occasion) by the spectators and then by actors, a conference by the geographer Joëlle Salomon Cavin and a screening of a documentary film, we will try to understand together the benefits for ourselves and for the planet of an emotional relationship with plants and other living species.

Program for 4 September 2021

Welcome and presentation of the project (re) and of the day with Valérie Favre, artist and professor at the Berlin School of Fine Arts (UDK), and Bernard Vienat, curator of the exhibition and director of the association art-werk.

15:30 – 16:15
Guided tour of the exhibition by Mikhail Rojkov, assistant to the curator on the exhibition and activist, member of Extinction Rebellion, on the theme "From artistic practices to political demands".

16:15 – 17:00
Writing workshop on the theme of environmental issues based on the artistic instruction "Social Peace" by Valérie Favre.

17:00 – 18:00
Participatory conference
"What can we learn from urban gardens?
With Joëlle Salomon Cavin, geographer and lecturer at the University of Lausanne and associate researcher at the Ladyss (CNRS), whose teachings focus on territorial policies, research initiation, urban agriculture and city-nature relations.

18:15 – 19:15
A performance in which the dialogues written by the public earlier in the day on this thematic Saturday are staged by two talented actors, Dardan Shabani and Léonard Vautrin.
Dardan Shabani is an actor from Geneva and a professional improvisation trainer, winner of the Cours Florent improvisation tournament in Paris in 2020.
Léonard Vautrin is also an actor and is currently training at the Ecole supérieure de théâtre de Lausanne, Les Teintureries.

19:30 – 20:30
Screening of the documentary film L'île aux oiseaux (Maya Kosa, Sergio da Costa, 2019)
Through the rediscovery of the world in a care center for wild birds, Antonin opens up the field of possible gestures to work for the conservation of local fauna and flora. In this familiar setting in the Geneva region (Genthod), on the border between town and country, lulled by the din of airplanes, injured birds as well as souls in pain are rescued. A concrete example of the (re)connection between man and animal.